8 Special tips on how to approach people about your business

This article will focus on how to approach people to get interested in your product or business. First you will want to know what type of approach you are looking for. Is it a meeting a at home appointment or a conference call that you are trying to make happen.
You have to have a mindset when you first make an introduction to people. You are the CEO of your company so you need to keep that tone in your voice as you are talking with someone. In other words, you need to be ENTHUSIASTIC.
Be enthusiastic in how you Approach people. People are intrigued when you have something that really motivates you and they can feeeel it. It is amazing at how the emotion of whatever you are doing can be transferred to your prospect. If you have a bad day, they can feel it. They can notice in your approach
? I found something amazing and I need you to look at it.
? I want you to come take a look at this because I really respect your opinion. 
Are 2 common ways to talk with someone easily in a non-threatening way. 
For your Direct Contacts like your family always remember to be enthusiastic and talk about the value, timing and the best part of how to make $$$!
For your Indirect Contacts like people in your local business and community you can use something like.
? "I've been thinking about you and I know we haven't spoken for a long time."
? "you have always been helpful"
? "I'm doing an exciting business project and I thought of you,"
? "I don't have a lot of time but I wanted to reach out to you."
? "I'm thinking about taking a different path in my life, can you sit down with me for a few.
? "I'm looking for leaders in your city and I thought of you I wanted to meet with you.
? "You know how I am, and I'm going to bug you until you take a look at this so let's get this overwith."
? "I'm opening a new city in your area and I wanted to work with you."
? Peak their interest and walk away. Don't say too much
? Invite from a position of power and confidence
If you are able to get a positive result then immediately call the next 20 people while you are on a positive role!
Another direct approach when you are talking to people and they ask, "What do you do for a living?" "I help people semi-retire." "Well how do you do that?" "You caught me on a retired day, we can talk about it next week." "you might as well get started because I'm going to get your mom and friends signed up.
Don't take it personal. Offer your opportunity like a stick of gum. Some will take it, some won't, so what. You have to be fearless in your approach. It's like having a huge bag of jelly beans. There are hundreds and hundreds of people in the world. Your job is to find the red jelly beans. 
In my business I help people learn how to live their longevity with a vibrant love for life.
I urge you to contact me today to find out more about your longevity and get some Protandim today.


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